
Enterrer le fil d’un robot tondeuse : Méthodes et recommandations

L’achat d’un robot tondeuse vous permet de gagner du temps précieux en déléguant l’entretien régulier de votre pelouse à cette machine autonome. Cependant, une étape cruciale pour assurer son fonctionnement optimal est the installation of the peripheral wire. But should we necessarily bury this thread? If so,how to do it ?


Whether you are a novice DIYer or an experienced gardener, discover in this article our advice on installing a peripheral cable for a robotic lawnmower!

Is it really advantageous to bury the peripheral cable?

It isnot obligatory to bury the wire of a robotic lawnmower. In fact, it can be placed directly on the ground using stakes, pins and connectors. Furthermore, it ends updisappearing under the grasswhich grows back for about two weeks.

However, burying the wire of a robot lawn mower offers benefits such asprotection against scarification and potentialaccidental damage. In addition to taking time, the main disadvantage of burying the wire is the difficulty in modifying the route once installed. In addition, if the wire is cut inadvertently, it is more difficult to precisely locate the break point, which can complicate repairs.

We still recommend burying your robot's wire mower. This work is not colossal: in general,a depth of 5 cm is sufficient.

How to bury the wire of a robot lawn mower?

If you choose to bury your boundary wire, here are four methods to accomplish this installation.

An old spade or an edger

Sometimes the traditional methods are the more effective! Using a spade is perfect for installing the wire of arobot mower intended for a small area. This simple and economical tool, combined with a little effort, is enough to accomplish the task, with a little elbow grease!

The electrical wire buryer

Also called agroover or wire burying machine, the electric wire buryer is an effective tool for burying the peripheral wire of your robotic lawnmower. Similar to a small milling machine, it allowsdigging a narrow trench in which the wire can be deposited automatically to the desired depth.

This process does not minimally disturbs the lawn and allows for a clean and discreet installation. Please note that it is possible to rent this equipment. You can search on sites like Loxam, Kiloutou or even Leboncoin.

The brush cutter or edger

Using a brush cutter or a modified edger can be a practical method for burying the peripheral wire of your robotic lawnmower. By slightly adapting these tools, you can use them to create a small indentation in the ground where the wire will then be manually inserted.

To ensure a straight installation of the wire, you can stretch a rope along the desired route and follow this guide line with your tool.

The chainsaw (and an old chain)

Yes, you have it right read, a chainsaw! The advantage of this method is that it allows you to work quickly, especially on harder terrain where a spade would be less effective. However,use caution to avoid any accidents and to ensure that the trench is not too deep or wide, which could damage the wire.

L’outil maison

And why not make your solution? For example, one firefighter shared a video of his ingenious idea for creating a custom tool that makes installing the boundary wire easier. Here is the result in video!

Why not do without the perimeter cable?

For several years now, it has now been possible to opt for an even more simplified solution for maintaining your lawn: therobotic lawn mowers equipped with GPS navigation. Brands likeDreame, Worx, Mammotion, and Segway offer models that work without a boundary wire. These robots use cameras and maps to navigate and delimit the mowing area, which eliminates the need to install and potentially bury a perimeter wire.

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